(315) 363-4110 • Sherrill, NY | (315) 829-2626 • Vernon, NY
(315) 363-4110 • Sherrill, NY | (315) 829-2626 • Vernon, NY

Obituary of William H. Rueckwald
Oneida-William H. “Bill” Rueckwald, age 69, of Main Street passed away early Tuesday morning July 9, 2024 in the Wynn Hospital.
He was born on August 24, 1954 in Oneida, New York a son of the late Ernest F. and Arlene (DeFreese) Rueckwald and was a graduate of the Oneida schools.
On April 30, 1983 Bill and Denise M. Andrews were united in a marriage at her parent’s home in Oriskany Falls and have shared this sacred vow of over forty-one years together. Prior to his retirement Bill was employed in the custodial department of the Oneida City Schools.
He was a talented musician and during the 1970 s Bill could be found playing base guitar and adding his vocal with the bank Lock N Key. In the 1980s he honed his musical talents with the band named Boys.
In his spare time Bill enjoyed hunting, fishing, gaming and RC vehicles. His most precious times were spent with his family whom he adored especially his grandson Ryker.
Surviving is his loving wife, Denise M. Rueckwald of Oneida, one son Tyler Rueckwald and his long time significant other Aubrey Kirley of Oneida Castle, grandson Ryker Rueckwald of Oneida Castle, two sisters: Sharon (Jeff) Secrest and Shelly Perkins all of Tucson AZ, mother-in-law, Barbara Andrews of Madison, sister-in-law, Wanda (Randy) Fuess of Munnsville, brothers-in-law, Shane Andrews of Sherrill, John (Cristy) Andrews of NC and Wayne (Susan) Andrews of Waterville, several nieces, nephews and two special doxies, Ernie and Henry.
In keeping with Bill’s wishes there will be no public services. Arrangements are with the Malecki Funeral Home of Sherrill. Online condolences may be sent to malekifuneralhome.com
464 Sherrill Road
Sherrill, New York 13461
T: (315) 363-4110
F: 315-829-3669
E: maleckifuneralhome@centralny.twcbc.com
23 Front Street
Vernon, New York 13476
T: (315) 829-2626
F: 315-829-3669
E: maleckifuneralhome@centralny.twcbc.com